Monday, June 30, 2008

Class reunion

My 25-year Althoff High School reunion was last Saturday night. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was a nice and somewhat nostalgic evening. A fairly small turn-out -- around 50 of 235 -- but still a lot of fun. It was really great catching up with my friends Ray & Shari and Tom, all shown below. (We've let too much time pass!) Full set of photos here.
Althoff Class of '83 Reunion

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day
This is my dad, back in the 1970s, sitting in his recliner, smoking his pipe and relaxing. The smile says a lot...

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Remember to tip your pinsetter

Went bowling Friday night at a place where the pins are reset by hand... there are only three pins per lane... the bowling balls are only 4-5 inches in diameter... you get up to three throws per frame! The place was The Corner Bar, a 140-year-old joint in old-town St. Charles. It was a fundraiser for Pet's Second Chance - Corgi Rescue, the group through which I am fostering Bose. The game is called "cocked hat pin bowling." The folks who work at The Corner Bar said that it's the only place in the whole world that still offers this kind of bowling! It was a lot of fun. For more information, click on the photo below and read its caption and "mouse-over" notes.
3-pin bowling lanes