Saturday, October 06, 2007

Congratulations to the U City Loop

This week, the University City Delmar Loop -- favorite stomping ground of scoodog and owner -- was named one of the 10 Great Streets in America by the American Planning Association:
Places are selected annually and represent the gold standard of communities. The designated neighborhoods and streets are defined by several characteristics, including good design, functionality, sustainability, and community involvement. These Great Places are singled out because they showcase what can be achieved in communities across the country.
Other honored streets include Chicago's Michigan Avenue and Ocean Drive in Miami Beach.

Check out my photo gallery for a couple hundred (and counting!) diverse photos of the Loop.


Amy said...

Yeah, hon, I don't know if I'd go patting yourself on the back about this honor just yet. Also on the list is a street in Salt Lake City. It has the word "temple" in it. Beware.

Amy said...

Don't get me wrong. The Loop is way cool. Much cooler than a certain new car recently purchased by a resident of your fair city and, I'm sure, driven down Delmar on a regular basis. But you didn't hear that from me.

Anonymous said...

Amy---That is too bad that someone got an uncool car because my owner just got me a really cool Maxima and I love going down the street that is on the same level as Miami's Ocean Drive and Chicago's Michigan Avenue.

Chilly Dog

Steve Penberthy said...

The Loop is one of my favorite areas in St. Louis. It's a great example of what the rest of the area could aspire to. Favorite Loop restaurant: Fitz's.