Tuesday, February 12, 2008

An update on the German Shepherd

Good news about the German Shepherd that my friend DeJean & I found deserted in the neighborhood a couple of weeks ago: He's been adopted and is living in a huge home with lots of land along with two other big dogs -- and all are getting along great! DeJean said it best:
There are so many nice people in this world -- I just can't believe it. The woman who adopted him says she's always wanted to have a German Shepherd. I don't think we could have found a better home.
And his name is now Duke.


Mattie said...

This is a great story with the happiest ending there could be. Such a dramatic change of circumstances....from abandoned, hungry and cold under a car to a nice home with other dogs. Scoodog and DeJean, you made all this possible by getting involved and I for one appreciate what you've done.

Tom Myler (scoodog) said...

Thanks so much Tom/Mattie -- appreciate your support!

Anonymous said...

It's so nice that Duke found a better home to live with