Wednesday, October 07, 2009


A monarch butterfly hanging out in my herb garden from a few Saturdays ago:


More comments on Flickr.


Violet Lemay said...


Tom Myler (scoodog) said...

Thanks! I had a lot of fun taking this photo, and I also learned a valuable lesson in the process. The butterfly didn't fly away as I was taking photos, so I kept shooting and shooting and shooting. On one hand, I had a lot of photos to choose from. On the other hand, I had a lot of photos to choose from. It was borderline maddening to go through them all, and I think that it also can make a photographer a bit lazy in terms of setting up and composing a shot, with the photographer implicitly thinking to himself, "just take tons of shots and you're bound to get some good ones!" Uggghhhhh!

Margo said...

I love this.
