Sunday, May 31, 2009

In memory of Carol Sanders

A longtime friend of mine, Carol Sanders, died last Tuesday in a car accident. Carol was a wonderful person. She was pleasant and calming and fun to be around. She demonstrated care for others in how she expressed herself. She was very insightful and intelligent.

Three years ago in April, two of my three dogs died. Maddie and Brandy were both quite old but losing both of them within eight days of each other was nothing I would ever expect to happen.

The day after the second dog, Brandy, died, Carol happened to send me one of those "Hey, it's been a while -- how are things?" e-mails. I responded by telling Carol about the dogs and adding, "Your note came just when I needed it most. Thanks Carol. God works in mysterious ways."

Carol wrote back:
Tom, I am so sorry to hear about Brandy and Maddie. Wow. I can't imagine how tough this is going to be on you and Scooter. You gave them both such a great life by taking them in and making a home for them. Losing such close friends does really help bring you back to the important part of life, the relationships you weave with others. Maybe it is time to reach out to another dog and bring them into your home. Maybe this is in the big plan.
Carol's own words are appropriate and beautifully haunting, three years later.

The important part of life -- the relationships you weave with others.

Thank you, Carol, for being an important part of my life. And to her husband Dave and her family, my sincere sympathies.

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A beautiful article about Carol is available from The St. Louis Beacon. I highly recommend it, even for those readers who never met Carol. The article provides insight into human beauty and passion.

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The above photo of Carol is courtesy of her family.


Anonymous said...

Dear Tom,

I love this article about Carol as Im am sure anyone who knew her did. She was one of the most wonderful people I have known in my life and she was so kind and caring. I miss her everyday and I want to say Thank You for honoring her memory in such a beautiful way. She touched the lives of everyone she knew and speaking as her sister in law I can saw I knew her well. This year will be our first Christmas without her and it wont be the same. I hope that you have found a new canine kid to bring joy to your life. Best wishes to you.


Tom Myler (scoodog) said...

Dear Tammy,

Thank you for writing. I still find it hard to believe that Carol is gone. I think about her family often and hope that you are all are doing as well as can be expected. Please give Dave my best. He wrote me the nicest card after the services. I have it on my bulletin board in the kitchen and I'm going to leave it up there for a long time. Powerful, thoughtful, kind words.

Carol was a good friend to me and she is responsible for making me a better person. She really touched me.

Thank you again, Tammy, for writing and please take care.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this--it so describes how Carol was.