Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I'm having fun with the Hipstamatic app on the iPhone. The digital images that you take with this app are automatically altered based on the lens, type of flash and brand of film that you select. As the makers of the app say on their web site: Digital Photography Never Looked So Analog.

Here are the first couple of Hipstamatic "prints" I've generated:

Worn out

And I'm sure I'll be sharing more Hipstamatic prints in the near future. Feel free to keep an eye on this Flickr set for my latest and greatest Hipstamatic prints.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pond photos

Here are three photos that I took this week, each looking into one of the ponds on our corporate campus.

Reflections in a pond
Reflections in a pond
Reflections in a pond

Friday, March 19, 2010


An update about my dog Sara on the St. Louis Senior Dog Project blog:

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The best camera


In the spirit of The Best Camera Is The One That's With You, I was watching TV in my living room on Saturday afternoon when all three of my dogs approached me, wanting to play. They looked so cute. I had my iPhone with me, and thus came this photo!

I've been having a lot of fun creating photos like this one using the "Best Camera" iPhone app. The app provides "a unique set of effects that can be applied at the touch of a button. Stack those effects. Mix them. Remix them. Virtually infinite creative possibility with your photos." (More details here.)

The resulting images are low-fidelity and have a retro feel to them -- and I love them!

Here are other Best Camera photos I've created. And here is a live feed of Best Camera images being uploaded from around the globe!