Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"That dog is that guy's best friend"

Kudos to Matt Smolenski of Grand Haven, Michigan.

On Wednesday afternoon while surfing in Lake Michigan, Smolenski noticed that an especially big wave had swept a man's brown and black mixed-breed dog off Grand Haven pier and into Lake Michigan.

As the dog's owner was screaming for the dog, Smolenski grabbed the struggling dog's collar and got the dog onto his surfboard. The dog rode the surfboard in to shore. Smolenski later commented:
I've watched the dog about a million times. He barks at the waves and then jumps back when they wash up on the pier... When I got to the dog, it wasn't dog-paddling anymore... I realized I was not going in (to shore) without that dog... That dog is that guy's best friend.
Full story here.

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