Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Man aims to find missing dog for seriously-ill wife

As his wife lies in a neurological intensive care unit at Barnes-Jewish since the day of her terrible car wreck on Feb. 3, Larry Brotherton Jr. counts his blessings that his five young step-daughters survived the accident with just a few scratches. But he wants to be able to tell his wife -- when she wakes up -- that everyone from the car is fine. To do so means that he'll have found his wife's cherished dog, Rocket, a three-year-old rat terrier/beagle mix who jumped out of the wrecked car and ran away. "They are very close... I want him back before she regains consciousness," Brotherton says in a posting on Craigslist. Additional information available in a St. Louis Post-Dispatch article.

On Saturday, several of us from the Mattie missing dog search are going to St. Charles to help look for the dog. If interested in going along, let me know.


Amy said...

Any luck??

Tom Myler (scoodog) said...

We didn't find him, but we did distribute a lot of flyers to the neighborhoods and businesses around where the accident happened. Around 10 of us got together and spent several hours doing this. I sure hope he turns up...