Monday, February 18, 2008

A vacation to enrich your life?

My cousin Brenda told me about a great place to go for a great vacation: The John C. Campbell Folk School in North Carolina. Brenda is passionate about photography and has gone to the Folk School for a week to take one of their photography classes. The school, a not-for-profit organization, also offers classes in many other subjects.

The Folk School is listed as the first entry the "Arts & Crafts Getaways" section of National Geographic's The 100 Best Vacations to Enrich Your Life, a travel guide that explores life-enhancing vacation possibilities in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

Jan Davidson, Director of Folk School, comments:
While many students come to learn a new craft or enhance their skills, most students would agree that they leave the Folk School with much more than the objects they have created and the new skills they have acquired. As student Sharon McGrew recently commented, “The mix of folks is great -- older, younger, locals, travelers, first-timers, veterans -- a great sense of community. I not only felt the spirit of the place, I felt a part of it."
I need some inspiration to take my photography hobby to the next level. And I'd also welcome a vacation that's relaxing and peaceful. The Folk School may be the ticket...

1 comment:

Steve Penberthy said...

Thanks for posting this. I'm planning on doing a few watercolor workshops this year, and upon checking out the site, I saw there were many. Good stuff!